14 November 2005

New TAPS system

After a rash of "touch-n-goes," 6th Battalion instituted a new TAPS policy. TAPS will not go up until 2300 (that's 11 pm). The Fork managed to track down some 6th Batters to get their opinions:

1/C Moorhead "Sucks for those Group 3 majors for picking an easy major."

4/C McGowan "So, plebes can't stay up past 2300 and can't sign TAPS before 2300. Wow, it's a good thing I learned time travel from Penn and Teller."

2/C Hunt "So can I go out every night now?"

3/C Bitterman "Is this gonna be one of those rules we actually follow, like going to clss, or it is one of those we ignore, like every other rule?"

3/C Filippio "I like it. Now I can more homework before leaving deck and sneaking out."

4/C Simpson "It could be worse. If they can make up rules like this, imagine the gay rules they make up for their kids. Now that sucks."