08 April 2006

Chaplain Logan, Dant. Actually the Same Person

Annapolis, MD-

Chaplain Logan made another appearance at the Anchor today to deliver another one of his now notorious prayers. Among the absent was Naval Academy Commandant, Captain Bruce Grooms. Rumors circulating around the Yard, however, say otherwise. Sources inside of the Commandant's Staff tell the Navy Fork that Chaplain Logan is indeed, the Commandant in masquerade.

Jim Schweitzer, who works in the Information Technology Department, has recorded and analyzed the voice patterns of the two characters. "You can see here that the speech is just the same. Here's one syllable... and forty seconds later, the second syllable. These are two samples of the same voice." Schweitzer also noted the bone-dry almost-humor in the two recordings, which point to a similar conclusion.

The Commandant has apparently held an interest in earth-shaking homilies for a very long time. According to Mrs. Grooms, Bruce would have been a Cesarean monk of the Catholic Section if he had not been a basketballing submariner. In fact, Mrs. Grooms told the Fork that she has, on occasion, caught him in the act of thumping his Bible. HARD.

Chaplain Logan, also an avid Bible-thumper, promises to continue delivering his "sermon before sandwich" combination through the rest of the semester. You can find transcripts of his messages in the Old Testament Bible in the Psalms and Proverbs Chapters.