13 April 2006

"Jimbo" Solves World Hunger Problem

8th Wing-

Jimbo, Melwood employee and agricultural genius, has discovered the cure for the hunger pandemic: Cheerios. The always affable janitor thought of the idea one morning when he saw a hungry midshipman eating some of the cereal on his way to class. He repeated the following conversation for the author:

Jimbo: Hey! Cheerios!
Mid: Hi Jimbo, are you allowed to talk to us today?
Jimbo: No, I'm not allowed to talk any of the military guys today.
Mid: That's okay Jimbo, I know that the supervisor's a cruel taskmaster. See you later!
Jimbo: Oh I'll be around here for awhile.

Jimbo believes that Cheerios are a delicious and wholesome food that could keep everybody full and happy, even the people in Africa. Originally designated as NAFAC's keynote speaker, Jimbo had to leave shortly before his scheduled speech to attend to important "pudding-related business" at home.