05 December 2005

Army makes Top 5 Most Depressing Places on Earth List

West Point, NY-

Some call it "Castle Greyskull," after the grim headquarters of Skeletor from the He-Man animation series. The College and University National Team calls it, "the second most depressing place on this planet." #1 was taken by the Camden City Morgue, which won because of its extraordinary work tempo and bloodiness. Number three went to Nappy-Nap Time Animal Shelter in Philadelphia.

West Point recently moved to the number two spot after suffering a crushing defeat at the hands of the Navy football team. The fourth straight loss to the Navy Midshipmen, this Saturday's game shot morale down to a grave-digging low. West Point cadet Sam Burns said this, "Grey grey grey. My life is grey."

Others to make the list included the "Fun Experiments" Animal Testing Lab (#4) and "You Really Shouldn't Be Making Fun of This" Illegal Alien Sweatshop (#5).