23 November 2005

Thanksgiving Leave Advice

With leave coming up, here is the Fork's advice for all mids as they embark for Leave
10. DON'T wear your uniform out to parties. There is always a way to circumvent the problem.
9. Calling yourself a trained killer probably won't impress the pacifist girl or guy you're trying to hook up with.
8. Chances are the civilian next to you drinks more than you, so don't call yourself an alcoholic.
7. Quoting Top Gun verbatim hasn't been cool since 1990, except in gay bars.
6. Chopping should not be done at home, ever.
5. Don't make up stories about how many Iraqis who killed over the summer; however, feel free to be ambiguous when describing "summer training."
4. Plebes, don't talk about hardcore it is to make your bed 20 times in a row. Once again, ambiguity is a good thing.
3. Don't fight unless you're honor or pride is on the line. In that case, it is your duty to fight. Knives optional.
2. Don't deny that you go to the Academy, you should be proud. Don't brag about it, no one likes a tool. And any "In the Navy" reference from someone warrants a kick to the balls.
1. When in doubt, mention that you go to school with Tyreese.