26 October 2006

Supe Spotted Planting Clovers in Garden

In keeping with a recent rash of senility-inspired events, Superintendent Rodney “Leprechaun lover” Rempt forced yet another spirit fiasco on the Brigade this week. The Supe's mandate that the Brigade sing/ awkwardly hum the Notre Dame fight song at every major meeting of the Brigade has elicited a variety of responses. While a select few, like 3/C Tommy O’Halloran and 2/C Seamus O’Malley, have enjoyed this week's festivities, others aren’t so pleased. 1/C Linebacker and 2/C Defensive End have taken to the halls this week armed with ear plugs and brass knuckles and were overheard threatening to “wake up the echoes” with the pain-filled screams of plebes.

Commencing each chow call this week with the treasonous Irish victory march, these noise-boxes we call freshmen have led to a drop in Brigade spirit and a rise in drinking, smoking, fighting, and no-action-getting. When asked to comment on the singing of the Notre Dame Victory March as well as the lesser known anthems, "Navy Sucks" and "This Song Has No Actual Lyrics", the Supe responded with a hearty “Um… whoa, hey! Where's my pants! And how bout them Scarlet Knights?”

A guest article produced for the Navy Fork.
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