Ninja Class Interrupted By Actual Ninja
Lejeune Hall-
Midshipmen and Coaches in 2nd period Marine Corps Martial Arts came to class today expecting to learn the basics of applied physical violence. They anticipated doing shoulder rolls and groin kicks, but today, they encountered much more than the usual stomp your partner's face-in monotony of MCMA. While covering the basic guard and mount positions, which left 3/C Patela discomfortingly aroused, the class suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of fear and loathing. The Lejeune Hall wrestling room filled with smoke the color of black death and the smell of burning sulfur and other mysterious oriental spices.
When the smoke cleared, the class beheld a shadowy figure in black, a katana as cold as popsicle in hand. He addressed the class in a demon voice, saying, "私は私の子ネコのための人の肉を追求しているトラの母のように空腹である" which roughly translates "I am hungry like a tiger mother, seeking man flesh for my kittens." Then, with a great ninja kick, he altered the time-space continuum and kicked off the wrestling instructor's head.
As soon as he arrived, he left, leaving the class trembling in wonderful fear. This is the tale of ninja. Have a ninja-way day.
Midshipmen and Coaches in 2nd period Marine Corps Martial Arts came to class today expecting to learn the basics of applied physical violence. They anticipated doing shoulder rolls and groin kicks, but today, they encountered much more than the usual stomp your partner's face-in monotony of MCMA. While covering the basic guard and mount positions, which left 3/C Patela discomfortingly aroused, the class suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of fear and loathing. The Lejeune Hall wrestling room filled with smoke the color of black death and the smell of burning sulfur and other mysterious oriental spices.
When the smoke cleared, the class beheld a shadowy figure in black, a katana as cold as popsicle in hand. He addressed the class in a demon voice, saying, "私は私の子ネコのための人の肉を追求しているトラの母のように空腹である" which roughly translates "I am hungry like a tiger mother, seeking man flesh for my kittens." Then, with a great ninja kick, he altered the time-space continuum and kicked off the wrestling instructor's head.
As soon as he arrived, he left, leaving the class trembling in wonderful fear. This is the tale of ninja. Have a ninja-way day.
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